Power: “the possession of controlling influence.” Power can be held as a teacher, parent, dictator, boss, or by other authoritative figures. What someone does with the power they have determines if it is corruptive.
Power can be used in a good way. With a strong, well-liked leader who makes good decisions, the power that they have will most likely not be corruptive. When driven by love, passion, and enthusiasm, power can make a positive difference. If used in the right way, a person can make a difference with the force and influence that they have. With good morals and good reasons to be powerful, it will not cause any damage. It can be used for equal rights. A powerful person can inspire others to do the right thing, and they can lead by example. They can create opportunities for others. For instance, the power that Martin Luther King, Jr. possessed caused something great. He gained trust and respect from people, which led him to be able to use his power effectively. With his leadership and his ability to make people listen to what he was saying, he was able to make a big change in history and lead the Civil Rights Movement. With a good person and leader having power, it does not have to be corruptive.
When power is in the wrong hands, it is corruptive. When someone is “power-hungry”, they want to control as much as they can. This is a situation where power can corrupt and things become bad. The person feels the need to make all of the decisions and be the one in charge. They want power for the wrongs reasons. When power is gained, more is wanted and greed starts to take over. A person may achieve fame when powerful and in the spotlight. People with power usually end up abusing it because they have control and can take advantage of others. Power can also be used for personal gain, to get a reward. In the case of Hitler, the power that he had was horrific. He was able to control everyone and made them participate in his horrible ideas and actions. His weapon was fear; if you did not listen to him, you would suffer consequences such as jail or death. People followed him because they were afraid. His power caused tragedy, catastrophe, and disaster.
Politicians receive power and can sometimes take advantage of it when in office. They can think that they are “above the law”, which is the problem with many people who obtain power. They preach one thing but do something else. Another example that is easy to relate to is coaches taking advantages of their position and the power they have over their athletes. If they know that they can control what is happening on the field, court, or in the gym, they can abuse their power and become unfair and ignorant. These are situations in which power is not used well and can cause problems.
Some positions of power can be both good and bad. In the example of police officers, one may be a good person and do their job well, while the other may be discriminative and treat people unjustly. While having the job and power of a police officer should be a good thing, it too can become corruptive.
In conclusion, power needs to be put in the hands of the right people. When someone with good morals and values is powerful, many good opportunities and advancements can be a result. When put in the hands of the wrong people, power can become a bad word and have a bad meaning. It can cause damage and destruction to those affected by it. Power is inevitable, but corruptive power can be avoidable.
Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=ig&defl=en&q=define:power&ei=uhGHS6LRFdOZ8Aba8-WdDw&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title&ved=0CAkQkAE>.
Picture Source:
Flickr. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/philly_police/3273730854/>.