Is 'Change' a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
Change: it seems like such a simple and straightforward word, but it can bring about many outcomes, results, or consequences. It may be completely unnoticed or have a direct impact on your life, the world around you, or the things you do. Changes that occur can be big, small, horrible, wonderful, unexpected, planned, and more. The word “change” can be used as a verb or a noun. The textbook definition of a change, as a noun, is “a transformation or modification,” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/change) but I look at it as a difference in the world, your life or a difference in something you do, may it be a positive or negative difference. As a verb, its definition is, “to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone, to become different.” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/change ) A change is when something becomes unlike it was before, and it is not how is used to previously be. There is change that you initiate and change this is forced on you such as changes at school or at work. People may view a certain change as good change, while others may view it as bad change.
Positive and optimistic people usually look at most changes as a good thing. They have a high tendency to see a change as a new adventure to embark on or a struggle to overcome. A person who is very positive would see a small change such as switching a class or classes in school during the school year as a great new way to meet friends, but a person who is negative may see change as a very bad thing, that they will be sitting in a classroom full of people who they have never met or seen before. Other examples of changes that were very good changes are a grade in school changing from a ‘B’ to and ‘A’, not playing a sport to making the sports team that you really wanted to be a part of, and so on. If you have a tendency to look at events or circumstances positively, a change in your life will probably be a good thing. A quote by Winston Churchill says, “There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/change)
Changes that happen for the worse can and will occur at many different times in your life and are often very much unexpected and not planned or thought out ahead of time. For the most part, most people resist change. They do not like it and want nothing to do with it. Change can be painful because it requires thinking, creativity, understanding, and it takes people out of their comfort zone, but change also keeps us on our toes, keeps us alert, and makes life interesting. A close family member, friend, or loved one dying is an example where a tragic change in your life is definitely not a good one, and it is definitely not what you would have like to have happened. If this was a person you truly loved a lot and cared deeply for, their devastating death would not bring about happiness or joy, but rather pain, sorrow, and anger, so this change in your life is very much a bad one. Certain changes may seem terrible or awful at first, but usually, over time, the new situation or circumstance is not as bad as you first thought it was or how it first seemed. Because changes are always happening all the time, a slight change in something small may go completely unnoticed and not receive any thought at all. At a time like this, when you are unaffected by a change, it is looked at as neither a good change nor a bad change.
People may want a change in their life for a variety of different reasons. If things have not been going well in someone’s life, then they would obviously want those things to change and change for the better. Many circumstances or situations may occur where this would happen and be the case or condition. When people are down, upset, or unhappy about a problem that involves a friend, a school, a teacher, a sibling, a classmate, etc., a change would want to be made in order to restore happiness or fix the problem that aroused. This sort of change would be one that is good because happiness and joy come out of it.
Change in history has been both good and bad. The United States becoming its own country is a change that was very positive. Other changes such as amendments to the Constitution have been good because our country has benefited from these alterations. Another change in history that was very positive was the abolishment of slavery. There have also been other changes in history that have occurred such as advancements in technology. While some people do not like these new “high-tech” things, they can be very beneficial. These advancements can cause classes and offices to go “paperless”, such as our Western Civilization class. By doing this, we are not only using these great advancements but saving our earth at the same time. Change has also caused people to want to have the best and be the best. An example of this is World War II when each country was fighting and trying to outdo one another with the building best weapons and using the best technology. There are many benefits from all of the wonderful changes that have occurred throughout history.
When it really comes down to the wire, change is inevitable and unavoidable. Life is exactly like a rollercoaster; it has its ups and downs, the ride is not always easy, simple or smooth, and so things are always going to be changing. Things in life never stay the same very long, so the fact that things will eventually change and become different needs to be accepted. “Things are always changing, as fast as everything stays the same.” (Author Unknown - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/change) Things in life are constantly changing, even if you are unaware that they are. The way a change or difference affects you or your life may alter your view on it. When people look back after they have been through a change, they usually realize that they have learned something new, they have grown from the experience, and they have obtained an overall positive result. Considering a change to be positive or negative is your opinion based on your thoughts about it.
Change: viewing it as a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. You are the one impacted, affected, or influenced by the many changes that occur throughout your life. If you like the changes in your life, that is a good thing and the adventures, challenges, and hardships you face will go well. “If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.” (Mary Engelbreit- http://www.quotegarden.com/change.html)
Works Cited
Dictionary.com. Web. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/change>.
Dictionary.com. Web. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/change>.
Quote Garden. Web. <http://www.quotegarden.com/change.html>.
Picture Source: Flickr. Web. <http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2312/2328879637_c0d2e376ff.jpg>.