"War is a form of technology". Agree or Disagree.
Technology is known as "the practical application of science to commerce or industry." It may also be defined as "a study of or a collection of techniques." I agree with the statement that war is a form of technology. War definitely involves of a collection of techniques that are needed to win a battle. As a result of war, there have been technological advances such as advancement with guns and machines. War is one of the many forms of technology that we have in the world.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons. Web. 3 Feb. 2010. <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Baltflot_mr.jpg>.
Google. Web. 2 Feb. 2010. <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1C1CHMA_enUS350US350&defl=en&q=define:technology&ei=ybVoS8S3MIWN8AbGy8yzBw&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title&ved=0CAoQkAE>.
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