In the year 264 BCE..
It is 264 BC, and war is beginning. Although we have a powerful force and outnumber Carthage, the outcome of this war is unpredictable. It is mostly all everyone thinks about. If it goes well for us, I believe that things will only become better for Rome. With a very successful government, I feel safe and am confident in our abilities. With power comes money, and with money comes advancements in technology and lifestyles. If Carthage is victorious, we will be in trouble. I am just crossing my fingers that we come out on top, and our leaders handle the power without being corruptive.
Thinking about the history of Rome, my city has stayed strong and earned what we have. It is hard to believe that we were able to fight the Punic Wars with the weapons we used to have, because our technology and advancements today are incredible and can be very damaging and dangerous. We have advanced from a sword and spear to things much greater today. I am impressed with my city and see things only getting better for us.
Web. 2 Mar. 2010. <http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/ROME/PUNICWAR.HTM>.
Picture Source:
Flickr. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/bispham2/2501576450/>.
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