From the 10th to 15th centuries, the West was dominated by supernatural religious beliefs. Boundaries were blurred between the natural and the supernatural. An abbot recorded a series of events that occurred and described men who died and their corpses buried. Then it was said that two alien beings roamed the woods. The village was terrified of these men and was ordered to dig up the bodies. The corpses were cut up, their head put between their legs, and their hearts burned. This story was taken very seriously. Horror stories were taken as fact during this time. Another example of one of these stories was one in Scotland of a corpse spreading the plague with his breath. In the 1190s, there was a story of a dead man returning to his widow's bed and almost crushing her with his weight. The people in the middle ages took stories to the extreme and believed everything that went on. They lived a lost of their life worrying and fearing what may occur.
Youtube. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oj92Ns4Oa0&feature=related>.
Picture Source:
Youtube. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq5zkhuvhpM&feature=watch_response>.
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