Stephen Hawking is the world's most famous astrophysicist, and he says that we should not make contact with creatures from outer space. If aliens were to come to Earth, we should leave them alone, but study how they live day to day. If they were to cause harm or destruction, they should somehow be sent away and told to leave. We should not "invite" aliens to come live with us on Earth. If we do come across aliens living somewhere in the world, we should first learn more about them before doing anything else.
"Don't Tell The Aliens We're Here, Stephen Hawking Says; They Might Not Be Friendly." Npr. Web. 3 May 2010. <http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/04/aliens_stephen_hawking.html>.
Picture Source:
Flickr. Web. 3 May 2010. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/klingon65/3200254756/>.
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