Do you think Leonardo deserved the title "Genius"?
Leonardo deserved the title "Genius" because he was one of the greatest painters of all time. He solved any challenges he faced with ease. He was very strong and had a tremendous amount of spirit and courage. The fame of his name increased so much that his reputation became even greater after he died. Giorgio Vasari said, "Truly marvellous and celestial was Leonardo, the son of Ser Piero da Vinci.." Although he occupied himself with a variety of things, he never stopped drawing. He practiced many branches of art. Vasari stated, "And he was continually making models and designs to show men how to remove mountains with ease, and how to bore them in order to pass from one level to another; and by means of levers, windlasses, and screws, he showed the way to raise and draw great weights, together with methods for emptying harbours, and pumps for removing water from low places, things which his brain never ceased from devising." Leonardo was truly a remarkable man and a genius.
Vasari, Giorgio. "LIFE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI: Painter and Sculptor of Florence." Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Web. 13 May 2010. <http://ht.ly/1Kaia>.
Picture Source:
"Leonardo Da Vinci." Flickr. Web. 13 May 2010. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/logosinberlin/128800819/>.
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